Month: April 2024

Why Litter is bad for our environment

Our world has a big problem with Litter, especially when 80% of it is in our oceans. Did you know that most of the Litter in our oceans is from the land which has been blown or carried there by the wind or water?

Litter and especillay plastic has a devastating effect on the sea creatures and their environment. Plastic never breaks down and if eaten by these animals, cause either death or pain. For example I saw a dead albatross cut open with heaps of plastic inside of it. It had died because it thought the plastic was food. People are responsible for this and this is never a good outcome for animals.

Did you know that the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is the biggest island of plastic Litter in the world?It is 1,600,000 square kilometers in size and that is as long or bigger than Texas.

After you read this, are you going to Litter anymore or stop damaging our environment???