Year: 2024

Our Wearable waste Fashion show 2024

On Tuesday Room 6 went to Room 7 in the afternoon. We prepared for a wearable waste fashion show. There was a lot of recycled materials like cardboard, paper, plastic, egg trays, pipes, PVA glue, hot glue guns, paint, polystyrene, leather and tape and so much more.

I made a vest, shield and another shield to protect my upper body. I painted my shield white and black on the front. Georzen helped me paint my shield and I helped him too.

I made my shield out of cardboard and some type of leather and tape to stick it on to my vest. The next day we watched a video about wearable waste and the backstory of the outfits. On Wednesday we did some more painting and gluing and taping.

Thursday was the Big Day. Everyone was so excited, everyone could not wait for the fashion show. In the afternoon we did the fashion show. We put on our wearable waste art creations and then at 2 o’clock the whole school came to Room 7 to watch us do the fashion parade.

Everyone was cheering and clapping and I felt so proud of myself with my fashion project. It was a smashing success. I wish that we could do it again next year.😀

Why Litter is bad for our environment

Our world has a big problem with Litter, especially when 80% of it is in our oceans. Did you know that most of the Litter in our oceans is from the land which has been blown or carried there by the wind or water?

Litter and especillay plastic has a devastating effect on the sea creatures and their environment. Plastic never breaks down and if eaten by these animals, cause either death or pain. For example I saw a dead albatross cut open with heaps of plastic inside of it. It had died because it thought the plastic was food. People are responsible for this and this is never a good outcome for animals.

Did you know that the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is the biggest island of plastic Litter in the world?It is 1,600,000 square kilometers in size and that is as long or bigger than Texas.

After you read this, are you going to Litter anymore or stop damaging our environment???


Our Sailing Day

Last Thursday we marched down to the Panmure Basin for a sailing session. It was a long walk to the sailing and we walked down Domain Road and crossed a couple of traffic lights and pedestrian crossings.
When we got there we were greeted by the sailing instructors who were teaching us how to sail. Room7 went first on the sailing boats and Room 6 was on land. While waiting Mr Bell and Mrs Agnew were teaching us about the pulleys and the sail materials. We also learned about tying knots with ropes.

We learned that the yacht is called an optimist.There was a rudder that you use to steer the boat and the boom moves the sail in the wind. My partner was Ezekiel and before we got on the yacht we had to put on life jackets. Then we pushed our boat out into the basin and hopped in it. At the start I was controlling the sail of the yacht and Ezekiel was controlling the rudder of the yacht. We were able to follow Steph around the basin. Sometimes we went really fast in the wind and it was fun. Later we were able to jump overboard but the boat moved away and capsized. We had to turn it back upright with the help of Steph. It was tough to do this.

When we got to shore we had to take the boats out of the water on their trailers and get them ready to be put away. We changed back into our school clothes and said goodbye and thank you. It was a long hard walk back to school because the hill seemed to be very steep. It was a great day and I loved learning how to sail.